The Bielefelders are good layers, you should expect to see around 200 to 230 eggs per year (that's about 4 eggs per week). The eggs are a beautiful shade of brown, which often contains pink undertones and is distinct in appearance from other chicken breeds. This breed is large and makes for a great table breed with roosters normally weighing between 8 to 10 pounds and hens normally weighing between 6 to 7 pounds. Hens are also unusual in that despite their large size they are extremely gentle, and you can remove the eggs from under the hens without being pecked; a practical everyday benefit given the mass and power of these birds.
Since these birds do tend to be very calm and docile, This breed is quite large but they don't necessarily need a huge enclosure. They do enjoy space to roam and they will happily forage for grass, bugs, seeds, and any other tasty treat they can find.
Hatching Eggs: $80/dz, shipping included
Chicks: $8 - Males / $15 - Females