Buff Ducks
The Buff is a medium-weight duck ranging between 7-8 lbs. It is a long, broad bird with an oval head, medium-length bill, and long, gracefully curved neck. The Buff duck’s body carriage is twenty degrees above horizontal, its wings are short, and it has a small, well-curled tail. Both the duck and drake have buff plumage, orange-yellow shanks and feet, and brown eyes. The drake’s bill is yellow while the duck’s bill is brown-orange. They typically lay about 150-220 large white or tinted eggs per year.
They can become broody, and some fanciers say that a broody duck will claim eggs from unattended nests for their own. They are reasonable sitters and can be devoted, protective mothers, but if your goal is to multiply birds, you may want to use an incubator.
When choosing breeders, select robust, active, strong-legged birds with a good laying history. Avoid birds that are significantly under Standard weight and have bills with excessively concave top lines. Full-sized birds with straight bills attached high on the head make valuable breeders. Select against any non-buff plumage for show-birds. Select for white pin feathers for production birds.
Hatching Eggs: $80/dz, shipping included
Ducklings: $15/duckling - Straight Run