Magpie Ducks
The Magpie is a light breed, reaching a weight of 4-5 lbs. They are named for their distinctively marked plumage – predominantly white with a colored cap on the crown of the head, and a large colored patch extending along the back from shoulders to tail. As the duck ages, the cap becomes white-flecked and it may eventually become totally white.
The Magpie is a long-bodied bird, with a broad head and a long orange or yellow bill that may turn green in older ducks. They have orange legs and feet that may be mottled. Their body carriage is 15-30 degrees above horizontal when relaxed, and slightly higher when agitated. Standard varieties include Blacks and Blues. Some breeders have also developed non-standard color varieties.
Magpies are good layers and will produce 220-290 greenish-blue, brown speckled eggs yearly.
Hatching Eggs: $80/dz, shipping included
Ducklings: $15/duckling - Straight Run