Slate Turkeys
The Slate, or Blue Slate, variety is named for its color, which is solid to ashy blue over the entire body. They may also have a few black flecks. It’s also called the Blue or Lavender turkey, with hens being lighter in hue than toms. The head, throat, and wattles are red to bluish-white. Their beak is horn in color, their eyes are brown, and their beard is black. The shanks and toes are pink.
The Standard weight for a young tom is 23 pounds and 14 pounds for a young hen. Since, however, the Slate hasn’t been selected for production attributes, including weight gain, for years, many birds may be smaller than the standard. Careful selection for good health, ability to mate naturally, and production attributes will return this variety to its former stature.
**My Slate pen is currently considered a "Project" pen, resulting poults could be a number of colors and not just the typical Black, Slate and Lavenders. Please keep this in mind when ordering**
Hatching Eggs: $60/Half Dozen, shipping included
Poults: $15/Poult- Straight Run